Cold Brew AeroPress Recipe

Items needed:

  • AeroPress with scoop, stirrer, standard cap, and two paper filters
  • 200 to 220 grams room-temperature water (enough to fill AeroPress to about 1cm of the top when in inverted orientation)
  • Either:
    • 1 heaping AeroPress scoop of pre-ground coffee (drip grind), or
    • 13g-15g whole-bean coffee ground at JX setting 18 (54 clicks)
  • 8oz glass tumbler or equivalent (sturdy enough to use with AeroPress)
  • 2 or 3 ice cubes
  • Stevia (optional)
  1. Set AeroPress up in inverted orientation and add ground coffee
  2. Add all of the water
  3. Stir vigorously for 1 minute
  4. Flip and press into a glass tumbler (30 seconds)
  5. Add 2-3 ice cubes and (optionally) a few drops of stevia to taste
  6. Stir and serve

Doubled recipe:

  1. Set AeroPress up in inverted orientation and add 2 heaping scoops or 26g-30g ground coffee
  2. Fill AeroPress with room-temperature water to 1cm from top and note how much was added by weight
  3. Stir vigorously for 1 minute
  4. Flip and press into a tall glass, small pitcher, or carafe
  5. Top up to a total of 400-440 grams of water
  6. Add several drops of stevia to taste
  7. Stir, pour into tumblers, add ice, and serve


  • Not bad with a little bit of oat/almond milk as a “creamer”
  • Tried brewing the whole thing with oat milk as an experiment, and it did not work- the oat milk was too thick to pass through the filter. The Fellow Prismo metal filter was a no-go as well.
  • Doubled recipe works, but can be messy due to ratio of coffee to water. AeroPress XL would probably work better…