Fixing Daily Notes
It turns out that Daily Notes, Day Events, and Holidays all get the same treatment from the CAPI export process, so I need to rewrite the iCalendar output for all of them. Instead of using a DURATION to these events, I ended up just removing DTEND. Thus we end up with an event with DTSTART…
First wrench in the works…
Well, I found the first problem with my exported iCalendar data. In iCal, I turned off everything except my two exported Oracle Calendar views (one done via export/import, the other extracted and published), so I could compare the two. I noticed that my published calendar was not showing recurring events properly. Only one instance of…
Getting closer
Today I began work on a Perl script to massage the exported Oracle Calendar data before publishing. I exported a full 3-year date range (the same date range I’m currently loading into iCal via export/import), and began addressing some of the issues I noted in my previous post. Times showing up incorrectly in PHP iCalendar:…
First attempt at publishing exported Oracle Calendar data
Made a first stab at publishing exported output from Oracle Calendar tonight. I ran my CAPI program for a one-week time window, deleted the MIME headers at the beginning and end of the output, and slapped it up on my web server without any further mods. It actually sorta worked. Observations: The iCalendar data appears…
My Fun Day.
Today was lotsa fun. It started out with the National Student Clearinghouse. I decided to get a “real” development instance going where I could connect to them as a student, demo it to Academic Services, etc. I ended up wrestling with their stupid referrer-based security scheme again. I took my existing clearinghouse script, which was…
Attendee field definitely the culprit
See subject. I checked the API documentation, and it has a complete list of iCalendar attributes that the server returns. So, in my downloader code I just listed out each attribute except ATTENDEE. With that list of attributes, it took about 1 minute to download a year’s worth of data. When I added ATTENDEE in,…
More on iCalendar vs. vCalendar export
I used the Oracle Calendar GUI client to create iCalendar and vCalendar exports for the same date range. The formats are obviously different, but the data extracted is similar. Exceptions: The vCalendar export includes “TODO” items from Oracle Calendar, which I’ve never used and don’t care about. And, the iCalendar export includes email addresses of…
Shedding the Schedule of Classes Page Albatross…
I’m working on redoing UMBC’s Online Schedule of Classes page. The current version is generated by a big, messy Perl script that reads the raw data uploaded from the HP3000, formats it, generates pages for all the individual disciplines, and then generates the top-level page (which contains links for each semester along with links to…
Wrote an iCalendar downloader
Tonight I wrote my first app with the Calendar API. Basically I used the calendar.c demo code as a reference, and pulled out the pieces I needed to do a quick iCalendar download app. It worked without a hitch. With just a little more tweaking, I’ll have a command-line app I can use to fetch…
Drilled my holes
I got kinda lazy yesterday, and didn’t get too much done on the bedroom fan wiring project. But, I did get one step closer to running a new wire from the basement to the attic. I got holes drilled in the top and bottom plates, and verified that both holes hit the same stud cavity.…