Run Notes

I’m at the shore this week, and hope to get 2 or 3 runs in while I’m here. Today, I ran 8.75 miles, which is farther than I had run in almost a month. It’s typically slightly more humid, but slightly cooler, at the shore than at home this time of year, and today was par for the course. I got out at 7:00am, when the temperature was still near the nighttime low of 70°F, with a dewpoint of 69 — higher than it presently is back home, but lower than it was when I last ran at home. It was the best weather I’ve had for a run in about two weeks, and my energy and form felt pretty good throughout. Everything is flat here, without much variation in terrain, so you can get into a groove and just kind of zone out, although there are a couple of spots along my route where I have to look out for traffic. I am kind of hoping to get a 10-miler in this week, but only if circumstances permit, so we’ll see if it ends up happening.