LostDogCoffee Peruvian

  • Beans: “Peruvian” from Lost Dog Coffee (Shepherdstown, WV)
    • Roast level: Medium/Medium Light
    • Origin: Peru (Chanchamayo)
    • Grade: Screen 18/19
    • Tasting notes from bag: Huge body, intense aroma, caramel & smoky wood burnt sugar
    • Purchase date: 9/14/2024
  • V60:

I hadn’t been to Lost Dog since May of last year, when I was just getting started with this new hobby. This place has a great selection of coffee beans, all sold by the pound, and my only complaint is that they don’t put the roast dates on the bags. Since they’re a small batch operation, though, I’m just kind of giving them the benefit of the doubt that the bags they have for sale in their store are pretty fresh. Unlike last time, I only bought 1 bag, as nowadays, I only like to buy what I know I can brew and drink in a month or less (plus, it’s highly likely I’ll end up going back within the next several weeks).

The beans looked lightly roasted (as advertised) so I brewed them exactly the same as I brewed my last bag, which was also a light roast. The first two cups have been pretty good. Not sure if I’ll try tweaking anything going forward, but I don’t necessarily need to. Will add notes here as I use up more of the bag.