Lola Savannah Texas Pecan

  • Beans: “Texas Pecan” from Lola Savannah Coffee (Houston, TX)
    • Roast level: Light
    • Origin: unknown (Arabica)
    • Roast date: unknown
    • Purchase date: received as gift on 10/12/2024
  • V60:
    • 19 to 19.2g coffee / 300g water (1/15.6 to 1/15.8)
    • Ode: 3+1
    • Water at 99°C
    • Recipe: Single Cup V60 Pourover with 40g bloom water

I received these as a gift from family who live in Texas. Started out at grind setting 4, but have been nudging it finer with good results. Currently at 3+1. I have also been using less bloom water recently. As long as I get all of the beans wet, and the water stays in the cone long enough to swirl a few times, I’ve been getting good results using a little over 2x the coffee weight. It also worked well with my last bag of beans.

I’m not normally a flavored coffee drinker, but I do like these quite a lot. The aroma is fantastic if you like pecans/pralines, and the taste is very smooth with no hints of acidity or bitterness. Also, when the bag is gone, I’ll have an excuse to learn how to tear down and clean the Ode, as I kinda don’t want my next several bags of beans to taste like pecans. 😀

MTB Season Again

I haven’t been doing much biking lately, outside of commuting to the office once or twice a week. My weekend biking/geocaching excursions have become fewer and farther between, due to a combination of busy schedule, running taking priority over biking, and lack of interesting caches being hidden within biking distance of home. I expect I’ll get out on a few more weekends this year, particularly with the pool now closed, which removes swimming as another exercise option. I’ve been splitting my commuting between road and mountain biking, with a strong preference for the latter. Every time I commute on roads, I wonder how I did it 3-4 times a week “back in the day” without going insane. It’s just a pain dealing with all of the annoying people who are out on the roads. Mountain biking is much more peaceful and enjoyable, though more so in the mornings when there are fewer people on the trails. Other than a week or two at the end of September, we’ve had great weather for mountain biking so far this fall. This morning was in the 40s and sunny, which is just about perfect. I’m taking advantage of it as much as I can, before we start getting hard freezes, which lead to muddy trails in the afternoons.

One thing I’ve been rather unhappy about this year is my lack of kayaking during the second half of the season. I was really good about getting out in the spring, but haven’t been out since probably June. The brutally hot summer was the culprit early on. September and October are my favorite months of the year to kayak, but this year, schedule and transportation issues have been my undoing. I like to go out on weekday mornings, but I need a car to do that, and this year, my son has been taking the car to college most days. I’ll probably have to break down and go on a Saturday or Sunday morning if I want to get out before the season ends. I suspect that a drysuit is in my future at some point, as I’d love to keep paddling year-round. Not sure if that’s in the cards for this year or not, though.