Foxtail Decaf Colombia

  • Beans: Decaf Colombia from Foxtail Coffee Co. (Winter Park, FL)
    • Roast level: Medium/Dark (4/5)
    • Roast date: 10/11/2024
    • Purchase date: 10/21/2024 at Foxtail Coffee in Mount Dora, FL
    • Process: Washed
  • V60:
    • 20g coffee / 300g water (1:15)
    • Ode: 5
    • Water at 90°C
    • Recipe: Single Cup V60 Pourover with 40g bloom water – finishes 03:15-03:30
  • AeroPress:
    • 14.8g coffee / 210g water (1:14.2)
    • JX: 20 (2 rotations)
    • Water at 90°C
    • Prismo with metal + 1 paper filter (rinsed with insta-hot tap water)
    • Pour all water at once / Stir back to front 7x / Steep until 02:45 / Stir 7x again / Press slowly

This is a rather coarse grind setting for this particular recipe, but the beans draw down very slowly, which seems to balance things out. Fairly smooth cup with little to no bitterness. Very roasty/smoky tasting, which I guess is to be expected given that it’s a darker roast.

3/19: These beans aged well, as the last few cups were really smooth and tasty. I used up the last of the beans with the above AeroPress recipe, deliberately making it on the strong side, and it was a really excellent cup. Who needs caffeine, anyways? 😆