Author: lpaulriddle

  • WebDAV Server

    No secret now that I’m looking to iCal as my calendaring app of choice, so I’m continuing to put it through its paces. Next up is to try out its publishing feature. Supposedly, I can publish the calendar to any WebDAV server and then access it using a web browser (or subscribe to it using…

  • More on exporting and importing

    Playing around some more with Oracle Calendar’s export feature, and the resulting data file, to try to get my all-day events to show up properly in iCal. First off, Oracle Calendar can actually export into two different formats, vCal and iCalendar. iCalendar is actually a newer spec that grew out of vCal. Apple’s iCal can…

  • iCal seems promising

    iCal is the calendaring app that Apple includes with MacOS X. It comes bundled with another app, iSync, which handles synchronization with the Palm. On MacOS 10.4 (Tiger), iCal’s app data lives under $HOME/Library/Application Support/iCal. It appears that the calendar data itself is stored in iCal format (.ics), while the metadata is stored in XML format.…

  • Palm Desktop – The simple solution?

    Palm Desktop is, of course, the app that Palm produces to do desktop integration with its handhelds. All in all it’s not a bad little app suite, and you certainly can’t beat it for integration with the Palm. It supports all of the Palm’s features and synchronization (via the bundled HotSync manager) is flawless. Palm…

  • Duplicates duplicates duplicates…

    Earlier I mentioned iCal and Palm Desktop as two possible solutions for my desktop calendar. To integrate with Oracle Calendar, both of these apps would require me to manually import the Oracle Calendar data in vCal format. Oracle Calendar’s export function gives me several options for choosing what data gets exported. I can export entries…

  • Ditching Oracle Calendar Sync

    Since I need to interoperate with Oracle Calendar, and I want to sync with my Mac, and Oracle’s Mac Calendar sync client will not work with my E2, it follows that I need to come up with a way to get the Oracle Calendar data onto the Palm without using the sync client. The Oracle…

  • 5 Easy Steps to Calendaring Nirvana

    Let’s make a laundry list of stuff I want to be able to do with my calendar. View and update calendar from my Palm, my laptop, and all my desktop machines, be they Linux, XP or OSX based. View and update calendar from the web. Interoperate somehow with Oracle Calendar, because that’s where all my…

  • No Sync for You

    So, Oracle Calendar sync worked more-or-less OK for me under Windows with my old Palm. So let’s try it out on the Mac, with the E2. Should work fine, right? Wrong. Everything installed correctly. Configured stuff, without a hitch. Attempted to hotsync. Barfage. Some sort of “database full” error or somesuch. Google. Turns out the…

  • The Calendar Saga

    OK, so I’ve got this shiny new Palm and shiny new Powerbook. Right now my entire life schedule lives on UMBC’s Oracle Calendar server (barf). In a perfect world, I would like to be able to view and interact with the same calendar on my Palm, my Mac, my Linux desktop at work, my wife’s…