It was around 40 degrees for the ride home. Left at 4:45 and had a little bit of light for the first half of the ride. Wore exactly the same stuff as the morning, minus the arm warmers. This would have gotten a bit warm if the ride had been longer, but it worked for the approx 8 mile trip home.
So, this is the first time I’ve ridden the fixed gear bike with shoe covers, and the right foot is a little too close to the crank arm, to the point where I can feel the crank when I’m pedaling. I’m hoping I can correct this by adjusting the cleat. My right foot is slightly larger than my left, so I occasionally have problems like this. But I don’t have the problem on my geared road bike, so the cranks obviously have something to do with it too. Both bikes have identical pedals (Look Keo) and I ride them with the same shoes.