Rise Up Winter Warmer #2

  • Beans: “Winter Warmer
    • Roaster: Rise Up Coffee Roasters (Easton, MD)
    • Roast level: On the darker side of medium (4/5)
    • Origin: Indonesia (Sumatra/Java)
    • Roast date: 12/3/2024
  • V60:

This is Rise Up’s winter seasonal blend, and I last had it in December 2023. The big difference this time is that I’m grinding the beans with the Ode instead of my hand grinder. I started off at setting 3+2 with 95°C water, which was a little bitter. 4+2 (this afternoon) was much better. With both settings, the draw-down finished at around 2:35-2:40.

1/8/2025: I’ve been nudging the grind coarser over the past few days to try to chase some pesky bitterness, and am now up to 5+1 (which was pretty good this afternoon).

1/11: I am now at grind setting 6 and water temperature 90°C, which was good this morning. Setting 6 at 95°C was still a tiny bit bitter the other day. The web site lists this as a “medium+” (4 out of 5) roast, and I am definitely finding that it is behaving like a darker roast. However, it tastes more like a medium roast. I am tempted to try it in the AeroPress and see how that compares.