Zeke’s Snow Day Blend #2

  • Beans: Snow Day Blend
    • Roaster: Zeke’s Coffee (Baltimore, MD)
    • Roast level: Medium (3/8)
    • Origin: Bali, Indonesia (Blue Krishna) / Tanzania (Peaberry)
    • Roast date: 12/30/2024
  • V60:

This is my second bag, and my first time grinding the beans with the Ode. Last March, I ended up using a very coarse grind with 95°C water, with good results. With this bag, I again started with 95°C water, but couldn’t quite get it dialed in. Grind settings 5, 6, and even 7 all had an unpleasant bitterness. Grind setting 8 was way too coarse — it did get rid of the bitterness, but the cup was weak and watery. So, I backed off to setting 6 (still on the coarse side for V60) and dropped the water temperature to 90°C, and the last couple of cups at those settings have been good. Interestingly, these are the exact same settings I used with my recent bag of Rise Up Winter Warmer, and the two also have a somewhat similar flavor. This tells me that when I buy Indonesian coffee in the future, I might want to start off with a coarser grind (e.g. Ode setting 6), and then adjust from there.

1/28: I nudged the grind setting 1 click “coarser”, to 6+1, for my final couple of cups. Both were among the best I’ve brewed with this bag. Recipe adjusted accordingly.