Seven Hills Lite

After hitting College Ave. yesterday, I rode on Landing Rd. today, which is sort of a scaled-down version.  Instead of seven steep hills, Landing Rd. has five somewhat less steep hills, and ends with a steep climb.  I figured I’d get my hill riding out of the way before I switch to the fixed-gear bike tomorrow, as neither of these two roads is much fun with only one gear.  While Landing Rd. is close to home, and provides a nice, direct route to the Ilchester Rd. entrance to Patapsco State Park, I still don’t ride it too often, because I’m usually not warmed up enough to want to tackle the hills.  For this and other reasons, I end up riding it more often in the summer than any other time of year.

This morning, I was able to ride in with summer clothes for the first time in 2010.  I’ve already taken several afternoon rides like this, but this will be the first day I can wear the same clothes for both the morning and afternoon rides.  Tomorrow looks to be a transitional weather day, with storms in the forecast as we revert back to seasonal temperatures on Friday.  Then it’ll be back to long sleeves and leg warmers.

Summer Preview

We’re having a summer weather preview this week, complete with hot afternoons and overnight showers.  We had a line of rain come through just before dawn, which gave me an opportunity to really put my new clip-on fenders through their paces.  Except for a bit of spray on my shoes and ankles, the fenders do a good job keeping me dry.  The real test is going to be when I go to wipe down my bike later.  To really be worthwhile, the fenders need to keep the gunk off my drivetrain so that the bike is easy to clean off.  Stay tuned.

Today I rode into Ellicott City via the infamous College Ave., which runs between Bonnie Branch Rd and St. Paul St.  College Ave. is known for its seven steep hills as well as numerous ghost stories and old wives’ tales. I don’t ride College Ave. all that often because the first hill is a total killer.  Today I managed to slog up it without dropping to the granny gear, but it wasn’t fun.  Once you’re up the initial hill, though, the remaining 6 aren’t that bad.  It’s just a matter of building up enough speed on the downhill parts to carry the bike most of the way up the next hill.  I came close to 40mph on a couple stretches.  Once I was in Ellicott City, I took the same route as yesterday, doubling back to Patapsco State Park via River Rd. and then through Relay and Halethorpe.  For some reason I thought this was going to be a shorter ride than yesterday, but it’s actually about a mile longer, clocking in at just under 19 miles.

I’ll probably keep riding the road bike for one more day, then switch to the fixed gear for the end of the week.  By then the temperatures should be returning to early-April seasonal norms, which will be nice, although I’m enjoying not having to bundle up in the mornings.

Faster with Fenders?

Today I took my first ride with Planet Bike “SpeedEZ” clip-on fenders.  It took me about 1/2 hour to put them on for the first time, and most of that was spent adjusting the struts.  Now that the struts are properly adjusted, it should be pretty quick to put them on and take them off.

The fenders didn’t affect my ride much.  I hardly knew they were there.  There was maybe a slight rattle when I hit a bump or rode over some rough pavement, but they’re much quieter than the full fenders I used to have on this bike.  The roads were pretty dry, but I was able to test the fenders out on River Rd, where there’s still a lot of lingering runoff and standing water.  The fenders kept me clean, as well as my downtube, but short fenders obviously aren’t going to be as effective as full fenders.  There was more spray on my seat tube and also on the fork crown and brakes.  I expected this, and I’m hoping it’ll be an acceptable price to pay for the convenience of clip-on fenders.  My intent is to use these as “warm weather” fenders.  During the summer, I rarely feel a need to use full fenders, but it’s nice to have something to ride on wet roads after storms and the like.  I’ll post a long-term update after I’ve ridden for a few months with these.

The really cool thing about these fenders is that they seem to make me faster.  I averaged 17.1 mph riding to work today, which may not be fast for some, but it’s fast for me.  It could just have been the beautiful weather, dry roads, and relatively flat route, but I’m giving credit to the fenders.

Spring Break (from traffic)

This week is Spring Break for Baltimore County schools, and next week is Howard County’s Spring Break.  Spring Break always means less traffic in the morning, so I’m planning my rides accordingly.  This week I’m doing some rides through Catonsville, and next week I’ll extend my rides on the Howard County side, maybe riding out to New Cut Rd and going through Ellicott City.  It’s a nice preview of Summer Vacation and its blissful lack of morning traffic.

April is one of those awkward months, like October, where 30-degree swings in daytime temperature are not uncommon.  Today figures to be one of those days.  When I left this morning it was 45 out, and the predicted high for the day is 75.  This callls for warm clothes in the morning and cool clothes in the afternoon.  I like to wear shorts, leg warmers, a long sleeve jersey and a windbreaker early.  I pack a short sleeve jersey for later, then stash the leg warmers, long sleeve jersey and jacket for the afternoon ride.  Just need to make sure to leave enough room to stow the extra clothes on the bike.

Winds of March

Winds of March..  an awesome old song by Journey, and a massive annoyance on a bike.

I rode in today in a stiff 15-20mph west wind that didn’t let up for a single second.  The good news is, although I wouldn’t call myself 100%, I wasn’t nearly as draggy as yesterday, and didn’t struggle as much against the wind.  It helped that it wasn’t raining.  The weather forecast calls for the winds to diminish today, but I’ll believe it when I see it.

I wrapped up March with 15 commutes to work by bike and 1 by car.  We’ll see what April has in store.

Wind, Rain and Benadryl

It’s been a dreary couple of days here in B’more, though there’s hope of some improvement later today.  I’ve been taking Benadryl the past couple of nights at bedtime, to help with a lingering post-nasal drip that tends to wake me up at night if I don’t drug it into submission.  The Benadryl helps me get a good night’s sleep, but unfortunately it makes me incredibly draggy in the morning.  That, combined with drizzle and thick fog, led me to skip riding yesterday.  I regretted it later, of course, but it was probably the right call.

This morning, it was raining again, but visibility was better, so I rode.  It turned out to be one of my toughest rides of the year.  I’m not sure if it was the Benadryl after-effects, the 20mph headwind, or both, but I was really laboring to get up the hills during the second half of the ride.  Hopefully my rides will improve with the weather for the second half of the week.

The good news is, the clip-on fenders I ordered for my road bike arrived on Friday, one day after I ordered them.  I hope to try them out soon.  I’ll post a write-up on them after I’ve taken them for a few bad-weather rides.  I’m interested to see how they compare to full fenders.  I tried full fenders with the road bike for a while, but the bike just doesn’t have enough clearance for them, particularly under the brakes.  They worked, but it took an hour of fiddling to get them adjusted correctly, and even then they would still occasionally rub the tires.  The clip-ons shouldn’t have that problem.


Still battling the virus I came down with this past weekend, which has now moved into my throat.  The good news is, it hasn’t kept me off the bike, though it is detracting somewhat from the overall excellence of the riding experience.  I switched to the fixed-gear this morning because there’s a threat of rain later (NWS says “mainly after 5pm”, but I’ve heard that before) and I wanted fenders.  It’s becoming clear that I’m going to need a set of fenders for my road bike if it’s ever going to see any regular use this spring.  So, this morning I ordered a set of Planet Bike “SpeedEZ” clip-on fenders to use with the road bike.  I’ll report back on them once I’ve tried them out, probably in a week or two, depending on how fast Amazon’s “super saver” shipping gets them to me.  My hope is that they’ll be easy to put on and take off without a lot of fiddling.

Beam Rack

A while back, I bought a Topeak “Beam Rack” seat post rack to use with my fixed-gear bike, which lacks rear eyelets for mounting a standard rack.  I also bought an optional accessory that allows me to use it with panniers.  This setup works really well, but it’s a bit of a pain moving the panniers back and forth between my two bikes (my other bike has a standard rack).  Then I had an idea: why not take the standard rack off my other bike, and just use the beam rack back on both bikes?  The rack has a quick release, so I can move it from one bike to the other easily without tools, and this way I can just leave the panniers attached to the rack all the time.  Today I tried it out, and it seems like it’s going to work out fine.  I’m always looking for ways to make it easier to switch bikes.

There’s one thing I don’t like about the beam rack.  The quick release mechanism is on the large side, and it sits right at the base of the seat post where it enters the frame.  In this position, my legs tend to brush it as I pedal.  This is a little annoying at first, but eventually I get used to it and don’t really notice it.  It seems like an acceptable price to pay for a convenient quick-release rack.

The weather is definitely warming up, although it’s very windy, which is typical of March around here.  We’re getting close to that time of year where I have to dress warmly in the morning, but can wear shorts in the afternoon.  As such, I’ve ditched the long pants and am now riding with shorts and leg warmers.  Last week’s temperatures in the 70s erased all remnants of last month’s snowstorms.  I’m seeing a lot more riders out, particularly in the afternoon.

Back in the Saddle

Back on the bike this morning after an extremely unhealthy, but fun, weekend in Buffalo watching NCAA tournament games.  I brought home a sore throat and slightly runny nose, and was dragging a bit this morning.  I have a standing rule: if I’m too sick to bike to work, I stay home.  Faced with a choice of taking a sick day or getting on the bike, and itching to start working off some of the past weekend’s excesses, I decided I was fit enough to ride.  I took an 11.5 mile route in, including a loop through Patapsco State Park.  It was a pretty good ride, other than a slight lack of energy and the usual sweaty-clammy feeling that accompanies a low grade virus.  Hopefully whatever I have won’t develop into anything worse.

Inside the park, the Grist Mill Trail was in better shape than it was a week ago after flooding out.  There was still some mud on the trail, as well as some low hanging branches and a lot of rocks in one spot.  Not too road-bike friendly, but I was able to get through it OK.  I haven’t checked out the portion of the trail between the swinging bridge and Ilchester Rd, but will likely do that later this week.

Tale of Two Rides

No work for me this week, but I took advantage of the good weather and rode yesterday and today.  Yesterday I took the fixed-gear out for a 30 mile ride around the BWI trail and Patapsco State Park.  It was the longest ride I’ve taken in quite a while..  my maximum one-way commute is around 18 miles, and I don’t regularly take longer weekend rides.  The Grist Mill Trail was about as washed-out and muddy as I’ve ever seen it after the drenching we got on Saturday.  It was bad enough that I wouldn’t have ridden it had I known its condition.  But, I survived.

Today I had a few things to pick up at the office, and I had a 4-year-old in tow, so I did the logical thing, put him in the kiddie trailer, and rode to the office and back with him, plus a stop at the playground.  It was great fun for all involved.  Total round trip was around 16 miles, and it was probably twice the work it would be sans trailer and child.  Lots of other folks out on bikes today..  must be getting close to Spring or something  🙂