Heat Wave

Wow, it’s supposed to get all the way up to 37 today.  That’s going to feel downright balmy on the ride home.

Did the same ride as yesterday with the same clothes.  There are still 4 or 5 icy spots where I need to unclip and walk/slide myself and the bike across/over, but I’m getting more comfortable riding through some of the others.  It’s not a problem as long as I don’t try to brake or steer and can maintain my momentum.  If I can do that, I ride through; otherwise, I walk.

The bolt holding my rear fender to the brake bridge came loose near the end of my ride.  I probably didn’t tighten it enough when I put the fender on.  Need to keep an eye on this and maybe check it before each ride.

The ride home this evening will probably be my last ride this week, as we’re supposed to get one of those “Alberta Clipper” systems tonight that are famous for dumping just enough snow to mess up the roads and close schools.

More experimentation

Not too much to say about yesterday’s ride home. Uneventful, around 30 degrees. Wore the same stuff as the morning ride minus the head band, and was comfortable.

This morning, I switched to the fixie, with a couple of new twists. The first addition was fenders, which I put on last week, to see how they would work. This was my first ride with them, and it worked out pretty well. The fenders don’t rub the tires at all, and they are pretty quiet. 3 observations:

  • On bumpy roads, the rear fender rattles a bit against its mounting clip (behind the brake bridge).  I expected this, and I think I can fix it with a bit of electrical tape on the top of the fender.
  • “Toe strike,” where the front toes touch the back of the front fender, is a bit more of an issue on this bike than the other. This wasn’t a problem while riding, but it could be an issue with track standing or low-speed turns.  I don’t think it will keep me from using fenders on this bike, as long as I can take them off when I don’t need them.
  • I still need to figure out a good way to attach the front of the back fender, as the bike lacks a chainstay bridge. Right now I’m using zip ties to attach it to the seat tube, but this isn’t an ideal long term solution as it allows the fender to slide back and forth.  Also, I want the fenders to be easy to remove and replace, so I’m trying to avoid using zip ties.

All in all, I think this was a successful proof of concept.  With a few tweaks, it looks like the fenders are going to work out.

The second novelty this morning was my use of a side pannier, facilitated by the pannier adapter I got for Christmas to go with my Topeak “Beam Rack” system.  I’ve been using a side pannier for awhile on my road bike (which has a traditional rack attached to frame eyelets) but this was my first time with one on the fixie.  It worked out fine, and the rack stayed in place.

Nothing else noteworthy about this ride.  I did an 11 miler which included a loop through the park.  River Road, while not completely clear, was bikeable all the way out to the swinging bridge without the need to dismount and walk.  With temperatures pushing freezing, I wore the same clothes as last night and was pretty comfortable.  No cold feet today.. yay.

New route this morning

Yesterday evening’s ride was uneventful. I wore the same clothes minus the arm warmers. It was a few degrees warmer (around 28) and I probably should have shed the PolarTec top instead and kept the arm warmers. That’s what I did this morning, which was 27 with a bit less wind. I was comfortable for the most part, except my head got a bit sweaty and of course I had the requisite freezing toes after 40 minutes or so. They’re still thawing out as I type.

Today I rode down Lawyers Hill Rd and into the park via River Rd, then through the park on the Grist Mill Trail to Ilchester Rd. I then decided to try taking River Rd out to Frederick Rd, which proved to be unsuccessful. It was rideable out to a bit past the Thistle Rd intersection, then the road was blocked by county trucks doing whatever it is they like to do on River Rd. Rather than trying to squeeze around them, I doubled back, rode up Thistle Rd, turned left on Frederick, then right on Oella, then up Westchester and through Catonsville via Rockwell and Edmondson Aves. Total distance was around 13 miles, and it was a pretty good route which I will probably do again. In the past when I’ve ridden up Thistle, I’ve gone right on Frederick and ridden through the Oak Forest/Hilton Ave section of Catonsville. By comparison, today’s route was a few miles longer with less annoying traffic to deal with.

Happy 2010

My first ride of the new year was a 15-miler to work. Temperature was 25 with a wind chill of around 13. Not the coldest conditions I’ve ever ridden in, but one of the longer sub-freezing rides I’ve taken (most of my really cold rides last winter were around 8 miles straight to work). I took the newly fender-less road bike, and it’s a lot quieter and less annoying without the fenders.

Road conditions were about what I expected. Generally dry, with a few icy patches here and there, most of which I could ride through, and a couple I had to dismount and walk. I went through Patapsco State Park, entering at the Ilchester Rd bridge and exiting at the Avalon main entrance. The Grist Mill Trail was in pretty good condition with just a few icy patches. I initially crossed the Orange Grove swinging bridge with the intent to follow River Rd to the entrance, but quickly discovered that the trail was in better shape than the road, so I crossed back over and followed the trail the rest of the way.

I layered up pretty heavily, with an ear band, balaclava, PolarTec top, long sleeve jersey, short sleeve shirt, arm warmers, thermal tights, gloves, windbreaker, shoe covers, toe warmers, and heavy wool socks. I was comfortable except for cold feet during the second half of the ride. If it gets much colder than this, I may try ditching the clipless pedals and going with toe clips (or platform pedals) and hiking boots, to see if it keeps my feet warmer.

Later this week I’ll see how the fixie rides with fenders.

Year-end wrap

I finished up 2009 with 144 rides in to work on the bike, which is an average of 12 per month. My goal for 2010 is to top that. I’m expecting the weather to keep me off the bike more this winter than last, but hopefully I can make up for that with more rides in summer. I had a 3-week lapse last August due to a knee problem.

I took the fenders off the road bike this past week and moved them over to the fixie. The fixie has much better clearance for fenders, so it should be a lot easier to keep them from rubbing the tires. It does lack a chainstay bridge and rear eyelets for mounting the rear fender. I used p-clamps to attach the struts, and Sheldon Fender Nuts (by Problem Solvers) to attach the tops of the fenders to the brake bridge and fork crown. I’m still working out the best way to attach the rear fender to the bottom bracket area. I need the fenders to be easy to take off and put back on. The rear wheel has a horizontal dropout which will necessitate removing the rear fender to get the wheel off. If I have to fuss with the fender every time I put it back on, this setup won’t work. I’ll see how it goes.

Wind Tunnel

I went out for another ride this morning at 7:15. Took the fixed-gear bike, rode down to the airport, around the BWI trail, and back home. Total round trip around 22 miles. The temperatures were in the upper 20s, but the real story was the wind. It didn’t really become a factor until the second half of the ride when I was riding west on the south side of the airport. At that point, the ride became a real grind.

No PolarTec top on this ride, despite the sub-freezing temperatures. I stuck with a short sleeve top, arm warmers, long sleeve jersey, and windbreaker, which was pretty comfortable for the entire ride. I wore some slightly heavier wool socks, and happily, my feet stayed warm for most of the ride. They didn’t start getting cold until the last half hour, and never got really uncomfortably cold. Oh, and my water bottle froze up. I guess it’s really winter now.

The BWI trail was a mixed bag. On the north side of the airport (which I rode first), it was almost completely clear, with just a few icy spots where the runoff had frozen. The south side was an entirely different story. There were a lot of areas which were completely impassable due to plowed snow. This was mainly on sections adjacent to Aviation Blvd and Dorsey Rd. I had to hop over to the road to get through these. The wooded area near the Dixon Aircraft Observation had a bunch of snowy spots, most of which were passable, but several of which I had to stop and dismount to cross. There was also a downed tree blocking the trail in one spot. The long wooden bridge along MD 170 was still almost completely snow covered. None of this was enough to make me detour off the trail, but the ride did take almost 40 minutes longer than usual. I’m glad I did the north section of the trail first, or I may have decided to detour or abort the ride.

All in all, it was a decent ride. The first half was enjoyable, and the second half will help gear me up for those morning commutes when it’s 15 degrees out with a wind chill of 2. 😉 This will probably end up being my last ride of the week, with more bad weather threatening for Thursday and Friday.

Rode today

Well, this morning I finally got the planetary alignment needed to sneak in a holiday-break ride.  Woke up early and snuck out while the rest of the family was still asleep.  Yesterday’s rain washed most of the remaining snow and salt off the roads.  While it wasn’t exactly great biking conditions, it was the best we’ve had in the last 10 days or so.  And the sun actually came out, too.

I did around 25 miles on the road bike through Ellicott City, Oella, Catonsville, and Arbutus, finishing up with my usual ride home through Relay and Patapsco State Park.  I took the road bike.  2 observations.  First, my back tire was still slipping quite a bit, mainly on New Cut Rd and in Ellicott City.  I stopped briefly and let a bit of air out of the tire, which seemed to help, that is, the tire didn’t slip any more after that.  I’m not sure if I’m hitting black ice, or if these tires (Continental Ultra Gatorskin) are just really bad when the roads are the least bit slick.  I’ve taken dozens of rides on them in really wet, albeit warmer, conditions, and had no problem, so I’m a bit puzzled.  In any case, I may see if riding them at around 90-100psi (vs 110-120) does the trick.

The second observation is that my rear fender is still giving me problems, even after removing it and spending ½ hour adjusting it prior to the ride.  I’m also a little confused as to why the fender is suddenly so prone to rubbing, after working fine for over a year.  But regardless, ½ hour is too long to have to spend fiddling with it to keep it from rubbing.  The problem with this bike is that there’s just not enough clearance for the fenders between the brakes and tires.  The fenders will fit, but if they fall even slightly out of adjustment, or if the wheel goes slightly out of true, the fenders start rubbing.  When they work, they’re great, but when they don’t, it’s aggravating.

I think I’m going to try moving the fenders to the fixed-gear bike, and make it my bad weather bike, at least for this winter.  The fixie has a lot more clearance for fenders, so I want to see how well they work.  It lacks rear eyelets, but I can fit a couple of p-clamps around the seat stays to attach the struts.   It may turn out to be just as big a hassle, but at least I’ll have tried.


So, unfortunately I bagged my last chance to bike yesterday before the big snowstorm.  Had to do a bunch of stuff around the house to get ready for the storm, and ran out of time to ride.  Looks like I’m going to be burning some cycles on the trainer over the next few days.  I don’t have a “winter” bike, and I have a feeling I’m really going to wish I had one this winter.  Next year I’m going to try to do something about that.  I would like to get sort of a “do anything” bike that I can take on roads, trails and occasional single track.  I’m not going to be doing hard-core technical single track or downhill riding, so I don’t see any need for a mountain bike with suspension.  I’m thinking about a cyclocross bike, except I would prefer to put disc brakes on it for riding in rain and snow.  The Soma DoubleCross DC frame looks really promising.  The Surly CrossCheck also looks nice, but lacks mounts for disc brakes.  Both are steel frames, so they should ride smooth and last a long time, and they have all the necessary mounts for racks and fenders.

I’m off for the rest of December, so I won’t be doing any more commuting till January, though I do hope to get some riding in once the roads are clear.

Night ride

It was right around freezing when I left work.  Wore the same clothes as the morning, minus the PolarTec top and plus arm warmers.  This was pretty comfortable.  The helmet liner by itself (no ear band) is enough to keep my head warm down to at least freezing, it seems.  Might see if I can go a little colder without the ear band.

I extended tonight’s ride to around 12 miles by riding a loop through Patapsco State Park (Glen Artney Rd to Grist Mill Trail to Swinging Bridge to River Rd).  Providing the trail is in good shape, this is a lot of fun after dark.  It’s quite the thing if you enjoy the feeling of solitude.  Quiet, dark, no one around and no lights except the bike headlight.  If I’m going to do this ride, I always try to ride it in the morning first to check the condition of the trail, so I know what to expect after dark.

The repair I made to my cheap rear blinker failed today.  The blinker fell off the bike twice, and the second time it pretty much fell apart.  I stopped and messed with it on the trail for a few minutes, but wasn’t able to get it to stay together.  Turns out one of the tabs that holds it together broke off.  Moral of the story: Don’t buy cheap blinkers.  And always carry at least 2 when riding after dark.  I still had my rack-mounted Planet Bike taillight, so I was good to go.

Tomorrow is my last ride before my long Christmas break, and there’s a big snowstorm predicted for the weekend.  If I can get moving early enough, I’m going to try to sneak in a longer ride in the morning, because it might be awhile before my next ride.  Will I be desperate enough to resort to the trainer?  Time will tell..  🙂

Hot & Cold

24 degrees at the start of the ride this morning, sunny with a 7mph west wind.  I took a 12 mile ride in.  Shoe covers, toe warmers, hiking socks, thermal jogging tights, bike shorts, short sleeve athletic shirt, long sleeve light cycling jersey, PolarTec pullover, windbreaker, medium weight cycling gloves, head band, helmet liner.  Feet didn’t get cold till the very end of the ride, but otherwise I was too warm, and got to work overheated and sweaty.  I need to lose at least one of the layers.  Short sleeve bottom layer maybe?  Rode the fixed again and will probably close out the week with this bike.

Last night’s ride was 34 with similar conditions, and I wore the same clothes minus the PolarTec.  It was an uneventful ride.