Sharing address books
Now that I’ve got my calendar stuff all figured out, it’d be nice to do the same with my address book and contacts. Right now, the “reference” version of my address book is stored in the Mac Address Book application. From there, I use Missing Sync to synchronize it with my Palm, and Apple’s iSync…
Mortgage escrow analysis demystified
Just found out what my mortgage payment is going to be for the next year, and the escrow amount jumped a bit more than I had expected. So, being the accounting buff that I am, I decided to try and figure out the formula the mortgage company is using to determine the monthly escrow amount.…
Bluetooth and iSync
Bluetooth is a really neat technology. It’s got a lot of potential, but there are still a lot of issues with it. The pie-in-the-sky dream is that we will have all these different Bluetooth gadgets that all interoperate perfectly. The reality, of course, is not as rosy. There are lots of devices that speak Bluetooth,…
Stalking the infinite loop
Today began with an effort to track down the infinite loop which is causing the java process to munch CPU cycles on the portal server. The problem seems to be spreading.. when I checked this morning around 6:30am, there were 4 looping threads on uportal1 and 5 on uportal2. I’ve tracked down the offending loop,…
Relaunch day
First “real” test (i.e. University open for business, people hitting portal) for our re-launch of uPortal today. It went up Sunday. Issue #1: I see that we still have the problem of the JVM going up to 100% CPU utilization occasionally. It was like that this morning when I signed on around 7:30am. Portal was…
The never-ending basement plumbing project drags on
I finally got back to working on my endless plumbing project today. A couple weeks back, I pressure tested the new branch I ran for the outside sillcock. To do this, I soldered a female adapter onto a 12″ length of pipe, screwed a quick-connect air coupling into it, and attached the other end to…
Stupid hard-starting generator
We have this generator, that we bought a few years back to use during power outages. It spends 99.9% of its time sitting in the garage gathering dust (much like the snowblower). Every few months, I start the thing up and run it for 20 minutes or so, just to make sure it will work…
CGenericXSLT channels, parameters, and Local Connection Contexts
I’m a bit strapped for time today, but I did take a quick look at this, to see if it looks doable. In a nutshell.. I’d like to use a local connection context to do legacy authentication and obtain an encr string to pass to various legacy backed services. This would allow me to create…
Update on calendar stuff
I haven’t done much with my calendar stuff recently, for a couple of reasons; one being that work has been crazy and I haven’t had much time to hack on it, and another being that it’s all working without a hitch. I don’t even have to think about the Oracle Calendar stuff; my cron job…
That time of year again.
Well, it’s time once again to start working on taxes. And once again I find myself using H&R Block’s Taxcut Product. This year, they’ve gone the consumer-friendly route of including the state product with their Taxcut Deluxe package, so you don’t have to purchase it and request a rebate. Good move on their part. Once…