Author: lpaulriddle

  • Wiring fun

    So, I’m doing a bit of rewiring in our spare bedroom, soon to become my 3-year-old’s new room. The previous owners put up a ceiling fan. Problem is, they didn’t bother to install an approved box. It’s one of those lovely nail-to-the-underside-of-the-studs metal bar jobbies. Rather than sit around twiddling my thumbs until the fan…

  • Legacy CorporateTime API

    It appears that Oracle has totally dropped support for legacy CorporateTime servers in its recent SDK releases. I found some API documentation for the old CAPI_ functions, and as I mentioned before, some of them do appear to show up in the shared libraries. However, try as I might, I couldn’t reference any of the…

  • The ongoing Oracle Calendar saga

    Well, my initial efforts to use the Oracle Calendar SDK have been a resounding failure. I got everything installed, and was able to compile a “hello world” type program. However it appears that our calendar server is too old and crusty to work with the newer set of API functions, all of which have the…

  • Oracle Calendar API Revisited

    Well.. I’ve managed to track down the Oracle Calendar SDK libraries for Linux. They’re included with the Oracle Collaboration Suite distribution, which I had originally thought only included libraries for the Mac. I did a little more digging and found this post on Oracle’s Calendar SDK message board. It turns out I need to run…

  • Missing Sync

    Well, as promised, I sprung $40 for The Missing Sync for Palm OS. I’ve installed it, set up sync with iCal and Address Book, and tried out the internet connection sharing feature. My initial impressions are good. Setup was painless. The iCal sync seems to work very well. The initial sync resulted in some duplicate…

  • Phase One Calendar Plan

    It turns out, from my readings on the net, that iCal is a little limited with regards to publishing remote calendars and subscribing to them. You can either publish, or subscribe, but not both. That knocks iCal down a few pegs in my book, but it still seems to be the best option going for…

  • Fun with the National Student Clearinghouse

    Can I just say that I hate configuring passthrough authentication to outsourced sites on remote web servers? Rule 1: The company’s step-by-step setup instructions will not apply to your particular system configuration. Rule 2: It never works the first time. Rule 3: See rule 2. Rule 4: Debugging is impossible, because the error logs are…

  • Initial Impressions of Sunbird

    Just spent a bit of time playing around with Sunbird. I would call it “not quite ready for prime time.” It’s got a nice interface. I was able to subscribe to my iCal-published calendar without a hitch. It can auto-reload remote calendars on startup. I can also create local calendars and publish them successfully. However,…

  • More on publishing and sharing calendars

    I did some more research on calendar sharing over the long weekend. The first thing I tried was using iCal to publish a calendar to my new WebDAV server. It worked without a hitch. However, all this does is upload the .ics file to the web directory. I can then subscribe to the calendar with…

  • Can’t forget the Palm

    The final piece of the puzzle is the Palm. I need to get the Palm syncing up with iCal. Apple provides an app called iSync which can do this. However, I tried it and was not impressed. iSync is an intriguing application, but it seems mainly geared towards cell phone type devices. Its support for…