First wrench in the works…

Well, I found the first problem with my exported iCalendar data. In iCal, I turned off everything except my two exported Oracle Calendar views (one done via export/import, the other extracted and published), so I could compare the two. I noticed that my published calendar was not showing recurring events properly. Only one instance of each event was showing up.

Now, I already knew that the CAPI is supposed to export multiple VEVENT records for recurring events, instead of adding RRULE attributes. But I didn’t expect this to be a problem, as I just need the stuff to show up, and I’m not worried about editing the exported data, adding new recurrences, etc. I’m doing all that kind of manipulation via the Oracle Calendar client.

So, why am I only seeing one event? First thing I checked was the .ics file. Maybe the docs are wrong, and it’s exporting RRULEs after all, and I’m ignoring them? Nope… each recurrence does have a separate VEVENT in the iCalendar file. So why aren’t they all showing up? Because they all have the same UID.

So, CAPI does export separate VEVENTs, but it doesn’t make each one a “real” separate event by assigning it a new UID. Kind of annoying. It’s one thing to cheap out and not support RRULE, but it’s entirely another thing when the result doesn’t comply with the iCalendar spec.

Interestingly, the vCalendar export does assign unique IDs to the recurrences. Too bad they couldn’t do it with the iCalendar export. Looks like I’m going to have to do it myself. For my first stab, I’ll just build a hash of UIDs as I’m reading the iCalendar file, and if I find a duplicate, I’ll append an ascending number to the end. Hopefully that’ll work OK. It’s dependent on Oracle Calendar exporting its data in the same order each time. Dunno if it does or not. If not, it means that the recurring events’ UIDs may not be consistent across multiple exports. That may or may not present a problem with the Palm export. I guess time will tell.

Well, off I go to make this happen.

Getting closer

Today I began work on a Perl script to massage the exported Oracle Calendar data before publishing. I exported a full 3-year date range (the same date range I’m currently loading into iCal via export/import), and began addressing some of the issues I noted in my previous post.

  • Times showing up incorrectly in PHP iCalendar: This was just a config thing. I hadn’t configured PHP iCalendar with my time zone, so it was defaulting to UTC. The iCal-exported stuff was showing up correctly because Apple adds explicit time zone info to the .ics file.
  • I did a few things to fix up the display of DESCRIPTION fields. First, I used MIME::QuotedPrint to strip out some of the ‘=20’s and other MIME artifacts that were lying around. Then, I stripped blank lines out to keep entries from getting truncated. I was originally un-escaping commas (by stripping out leading backslashes), but apparently they need to be escaped to comply with the iCalendar specification. iCal displays the commas correctly (without backslashes), but PHP iCalendar leaves the backslashes in.
  • I added an Apple-specific field, X-WR-CALNAME. iCal uses this as the default calendar name to use when importing or subscribing to the file. Not totally necessary, but saves typing.

With those changes, everything shows up nicely now and the descriptions look good. The end product is a usable .ics file that I can subscribe to with iCal, and it includes everything I want except alarm and attendee data. I’ll tackle alarms first.

Alarms: The vCalendar export includes alarm data. The strange thing is, I have no idea where the alarms in the vCalendar file are coming from. I’ve never defined any alarms within Oracle Calendar, yet somehow they’re showing up in the vCalendar export file. Certain events will show up with alarms in the vCalendar file, but when I go into Oracle Calendar and bring up that event, it will say there is no alarm defined. I almost wonder if the vCalendar export process is picking up other peoples’ alarms or something. Very strange.

Looks like the iCalendar export gets this right. I went into Oracle Calendar and defined an alarm (Oracle Calendar actually calls them reminders), then re-exported the data in iCalendar format, and I got a VALARM section added to that event. I’ll have to see if it shows up properly in iCal. I’d like to be able to set alarms and have them show up on my Palm, as I’m prone to get sidetracked and forget meetings otherwise.

OK, looks like iCal picks up the VALARMs properly. Just remains to be seen how they’ll show up on the Palm. It looks like I can set different alarm types (message, email, audio etc.) using the ACTION attribute. As exported, they show up as ACTION:DISPLAY which gets translated to ‘Message’ in iCal. At some point I’ll have to see how different actions will affect behavior on iCal and the Palm. Then if necessary, I can tweak the ACTION attribute with my Perl script.

With that, I think this gives me all the functionality I was getting with the export/import process, so there’s no reason I can’t make this my “official” method now, and sync this data to my Palm. If that works OK, I’ll work on automating it and bringing in attendee data.

First attempt at publishing exported Oracle Calendar data

Made a first stab at publishing exported output from Oracle Calendar tonight. I ran my CAPI program for a one-week time window, deleted the MIME headers at the beginning and end of the output, and slapped it up on my web server without any further mods. It actually sorta worked. Observations:

  • The iCalendar data appears to come through in DOS format, although neither iCal nor PHP iCalendar seem to have problems reading it. So it appears there’s no immediate need to convert.
  • PHP iCalendar shows the times incorrectly. The exported data has the time in GMT (or “Zulu” time). iCal correctly converts things to EST, but PHP iCalendar does not. I probably need to add timezone data to the file.
  • One of my meetings has a long DESCRIPTION property. The text is kind of screwed up. There are a lot of backslashed characters, a few ‘=20’s thrown in, and most importantly, the exported data has an extra carriage return thrown in. Both apps truncate the description at this spot.
  • Attendees are missing (which was expected) as well as alarms. Hopefully, getting alarms is just a matter of adding the appropriate alarm stuff to my list of properties to export. We’ll see.

So it’s obvious that I’ll need to write some Perl code to massage the exported data a bit, but I already expected that. The important thing is, we’re definitely making progress here.

Attendee field definitely the culprit

See subject. I checked the API documentation, and it has a complete list of iCalendar attributes that the server returns. So, in my downloader code I just listed out each attribute except ATTENDEE. With that list of attributes, it took about 1 minute to download a year’s worth of data. When I added ATTENDEE in, the download pretty much ground to a halt.

So at any rate, it looks like I want to leave ATTENDEE out when doing my bulk downloads. That’s a bit of a bummer, though, because it means I won’t get attendee lists for meetings etc. It’d be useful to have that. What about this compromise: for a small window, say today through two weeks from today, I’ll export events with attendees. Then, for events outside that window, I’ll export events without attendees. I think that gives me the best compromise between performance and function.

The only other possible issue I can think of is, the UID field. Each event has a UID field that uniquely identifies that event. I’m hoping the UID stays consistent across multiple exports of the same data. I’m pretty sure the Palm sync stuff keys off the UID, so keeping the UID consistent should make the Palm sync process faster and more reliable. I did try exporting the same date range (all of 2005) twice, saving the results to a file, and comparing the files. The UIDs were the same both times, so that’s a good (although not conclusive) sign.

Next up: I’ll massage the data as necessary and try turning it into an iCal subscription.

More on iCalendar vs. vCalendar export

I used the Oracle Calendar GUI client to create iCalendar and vCalendar exports for the same date range. The formats are obviously different, but the data extracted is similar. Exceptions: The vCalendar export includes “TODO” items from Oracle Calendar, which I’ve never used and don’t care about. And, the iCalendar export includes email addresses of attendees. I wonder if that’s what’s slowing it down. If the email lookup process is time consuming, it will REALLY drag things down, because our calendar server includes a LOT of entries with many attendees.

Also, earlier I tried importing one of these iCalendar files into Apple’s iCal app, and had problems. It would import one entry and then stop. Upon closer examination, I think I see why this is happening. The exported iCalendar file encloses every single event inside a separate BEGIN:VCALENDAR / END:VCALENDAR block, complete with all the vCalendar headers, etc.! In other words, it’s not a valid iCalendar-format file at all. iCal probably aborts when it sees the first END:VCALENDAR, thinking it’s done.

Anyhow, back to my earlier point, I decided to test my theory that the email lookups are dragging down the iCalendar export. The API allows me to explicitly specify which iCalendar properties I want included in the exported file. So, I told it to include just a small set of properties (start date, end date, summary), to see how it would do. Yep, the export was much faster. Now, I just need to build up the full set of properties I need, omit the attendee info, and see how it does then. Unfortunately, there’s no way to say “I want every property except attendee info.” I either have to request every property, or request a specific list. So, I’ll need to look at the iCalendar spec, get a full list of properties, and explicitly list out the ones I want. Kind of an annoying limitation if you ask me.

The other question is, is there a way to get the vCalendar format through the API? Or, assuming the email lookup is the culprit, can I pull attendee info without doing the email lookup? Dunno, but I’m getting a little ahead of myself here.

Wrote an iCalendar downloader

Tonight I wrote my first app with the Calendar API. Basically I used the calendar.c demo code as a reference, and pulled out the pieces I needed to do a quick iCalendar download app. It worked without a hitch. With just a little more tweaking, I’ll have a command-line app I can use to fetch arbitrary date ranges in iCalendar format.

The caveat: It’s very slow with date ranges of more than just a few days. I guess that’s to be expected, given the performance I’ve seen with iCalendar downloads from the GUI client. It does eventually come back, though. A one-month range took a few minutes to complete; I hate to think how long three years would take!

Of course, I plan to run this unattended from cron, so in theory I don’t care how long it takes, even if it’s a couple hours. The question is, if I try to suck down a three-year range in one big chunk, will it fubar the calendar server? Obviously that would not be good. The other option would be to pick a manageable chunk, say a few months, and only download that much at a time. I could just run it in a loop until I get the full 3 years. Will have to play with this.

The other puzzler here is, the Oracle Calendar GUI calendar lets me download in either of 2 formats: iCalendar or something it calls “vCalendar”. I’m not sure of the exact difference, but vCalendar is a lot faster to download. What’s the difference between the two, and is there a way of doing the vCalendar download from the API? I wonder if there are certain iCalendar fields that take significantly longer to process. If the vCalendar download omits those, that could speed things up significantly.

I suppose the thing to do is generate both iCalendar and vCalendar dumps for a specific date range, and compare the differences between the two. That may shed some light on things.

Legacy CorporateTime API

It appears that Oracle has totally dropped support for legacy CorporateTime servers in its recent SDK releases. I found some API documentation for the old CAPI_ functions, and as I mentioned before, some of them do appear to show up in the shared libraries. However, try as I might, I couldn’t reference any of the functions using the 10.1.1 libraries. The fact that none of them are prototyped in ctapi.h is also kind of telling. Looks like I won’t be getting any joy out of the 10.1.1 SDK. Could it be that Oracle dropped support so that more people would buy their new, expensive Collaboration Suite? Naaaah.

However, I won’t give up that easily. I have Google. I plugged CAPI_Connect into Google, sifted through a few pages of results, and lo and behold, I found a site that had the entire 2.0 CorporateTime SDK, circa 2002, for Linux/i686!!! After glancing over my shoulder to make sure Oracle’s lawyers weren’t looking, I grabbed it.

The SDK includes some example code, calendar.c, which connects to the server and allows interaction through a text-driven menu system. It built painlessly using the supplied Makefile. The next challenge was figuring out how to use it to log in. To make a long story short:

  1. First prompt: Hit return (no config file)
  2. Second prompt (name of calendar server): Enter
  3. Third prompt (ACE mechanism): Enter 2. It seems to work fine without specifying an ACE mechanism.
  4. Fourth prompt (user or Sysop): Enter 1 to authenticate as a user.
  5. Fifth prompt (username): This was the tricky part to figure out. Enter ?/S=lastname/G=firstname/. In my case I used ?/S=riddle/G=paul/. Obviously patterned after the LDAP attributes, surname and givenName.
  6. Sixth prompt: Enter password.

Once I figured out the proper incantations, it logged me into the calendar server! I tried out a few menu options. Data seems to come through in iCalendar format, which is what I want.

This is great, it looks like I’ll be able to automate the export/massage/publish process as I had originally hoped.

More later…

The ongoing Oracle Calendar saga

Well, my initial efforts to use the Oracle Calendar SDK have been a resounding failure. I got everything installed, and was able to compile a “hello world” type program. However it appears that our calendar server is too old and crusty to work with the newer set of API functions, all of which have the prefix CSDK_. Apparently I need to use the old CorporateTime API, with functions that begin with CAPI_. Now, when I run nm * in the SDK library directory, it turns up a bunch of these functions, but I’m not sure they’re actually what I want, and I don’t have any documentation or sample code. I’ll search around, and give this one more shot, but I’m beginning to resign myself to the fact that this is going to have to be a partially-manual process, at least until we upgrade our calendar server.

On the same front, I started looking at what it would take to create my own .ics file which I could subscribe to with iCal. I started by creating a dummy calendar in iCal, publishing it, copying the published .ics file into /tmp on my linux box, and then unpublishing the file in iCal (which deletes it off the WebDAV server). I then edited the .ics file in /tmp, changed the name, copied it file back to the web server, and successfully subscribed to it with iCal. Apple sticks a GUID field, among other things, into its published .ics files, and I’m not sure how I’d generate one from scratch, so I’ll just use this file as a template and I’ll be able to build a .ics file that iCal will be happy with. So, making progress here.

Oracle Calendar API Revisited

Well.. I’ve managed to track down the Oracle Calendar SDK libraries for Linux. They’re included with the Oracle Collaboration Suite distribution, which I had originally thought only included libraries for the Mac. I did a little more digging and found this post on Oracle’s Calendar SDK message board. It turns out I need to run the installer and let it do an “official” install of the stuff. A bit convoluted given that all I need is a couple libraries and include files, but if it works…

Here’s what I did:

  1. Downloaded the Oracle Collaboration Suite distribution (version 10g) from Oracle’s web site. It came as a 3.8-gig multipart compressed tar archive (thank God for Internet2)! After running the script to assemble the parts, I ended up with a file called OCS_101200.tar.gz.
  2. I’m not interested in everything in the tar file, just the calendar stuff. This is all in a directory called calendar_standalone. So, I untarred just that directory: tar xzvf OCS_101200.tar.gz calendar_standalone.
  3. I ran the installation script, runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs. The option tells the installer to keep running even though I’m not running one of Oracle’s pre-approved flavors of Linux.
  4. Walk through the menus, select the SDK, and follow the directions.

After doing this, I ended up with the SDK (along with 300 megs of other kruft) installed in my home directory under a directory called product.

Haven’t played around with it yet, but hopefully I can write something to do a simple event extract. If that works, I can write an automated script that extracts the data, massages it, and posts it as an iCal subscription. Stick it in cron to run nightly, and I’ve got my ultimate solution for Oracle Calendar integration. Wish me luck!

Missing Sync

Well, as promised, I sprung $40 for The Missing Sync for Palm OS. I’ve installed it, set up sync with iCal and Address Book, and tried out the internet connection sharing feature. My initial impressions are good. Setup was painless. The iCal sync seems to work very well. The initial sync resulted in some duplicate calendar entries, but I think that’s because it was also pulling in my data from Palm Desktop. Once I deleted the duplicate data and got rid of the old Palm Desktop conduits, it worked great. As for the internet connection sharing, I doubt I’ll get much use out of it, but it works without a hitch.

Missing Sync also includes an app that allows you to mount the SD card on the Mac desktop as an external volume. As I don’t yet have an SD card, I haven’t been able to try this out. I’m curious as to how it works. The documentation does not reveal many details. I’m hoping it emulates the USB storage standard, which would let me mount it on my Linux boxes as well. I’d like to be able to use the Palm as sort of a “poor man’s jump drive.” Again, I may not end up using it much, but I can try it out and see if it’s useful to me, or if I’d be better served with a “dedicated” USB jump drive.

If it turns out that it doesn’t emulate USB storage, I can try out a product called Card Export II which advertises this functionality. It’s only $15 and I can download a fully functional trial version. But I’m hoping Missing Sync will do it for me.

Next up.. I think I’m going to rework my Oracle Calendar intergration a bit. I’m going to write a Perl script to take the exported Oracle Calendar data (in vCal format), tweak it a bit for all-day events and holidays, and write it out in iCalendar format. Then I can just post the resulting iCalendar file on my web site, and subscribe to it with iCal. That way I don’t have to import it into iCal, which is a cumbersome process. We’ll see how it goes.