So, we have this new campus portal at UMBC. And for the most part, the launch has gone pretty well. As part of this whole thing, we’re rethinking some of our old, outdated business processes and changing the way they work under the new portal. One of these is the PIN (Personal ID Number). Waaaaay back in 1996 when UMBC first launched web-based course registration, we required all students to enter a 4-digit PIN to log in. There was also a service where students could register by phone, that used the same PIN. Flash forward to 2006. We’re now using a campus-wide single signon system, the telephone registration system is gone, and we’ve done away with PINs as part of the login process. So, since students aren’t using them any more, we can just get rid of PINs altogether, right? Wrong. Problem is, we’re still using our old, crusty HP3000 mainframe as system of record for registration, so when we do online course registration, we have to play by the HP3000’s rules. The HP3000 is still running circa-1996 registration code (written in Cobol), and PINs are so deeply embedded into that code, that there’s no way we’re ever getting rid of them as long as the HP is around. We can rework things so that all the PIN stuff is handled behind-the-scenes, and users never see them or even know they exist, but on the back end, they’re still going to be there.
Now.. the HP3000 stores everybody’s PIN in a database table. But initially, that table is not populated until a user accesses the system for the first time. Then, the HP figures out an initial PIN for the user, and uses that to populate the PIN table. It then sets a flag that the user’s PIN needs to be changed. The HP will then refuse to do anything on behalf of that user, until they change their PIN. The mandatory PIN change happens when the user logs into myUMBC. With the old version of myUMBC, they would see the mandatory PIN change screen immediately after logging in, at which point they’d need to change the PIN before doing anything else in myUMBC. But again, this behavior is a relic of the days when most activities in myUMBC centered around the HP. It also prevents certain users (people who lack the appropriate data that the HP needs to generate the initial PIN) from using myUMBC at all. If we’re going to move forward, we need to get rid of this behavior.
The first step towards this goal, was to eliminate the mandatory PIN change check on initial login. Now keep in mind that we have to submit an initial PIN change request for every student, before they can do anything that involves the HP. So, I’m now doing the mandatory PIN change only when the user requests a function that uses the HP. So rather than seeing it when they first log in, they see it when they try to register for the first time. A small but significant step.
This works great, except it broke the online student parking registration app. Student Parking Registration has the distinction of being the only external (not part of the monolithic legacy myUMBC code) app that talks directly to the HP. If a student goes to this app before changing their PIN, the HP will refuse the parking registration request and the app will fail silently. Yep, this was a fun one to debug. It’s still broken, until I figure out the best way to fix it.
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