WebDAV Server

No secret now that I’m looking to iCal as my calendaring app of choice, so I’m continuing to put it through its paces. Next up is to try out its publishing feature. Supposedly, I can publish the calendar to any WebDAV server and then access it using a web browser (or subscribe to it using another iCal client).

I didn’t have a WebDAV server sitting around anywhere, so I went ahead and set one up using Apache 2.0.54 with mod_dav/mod_dav_fs. It was pretty easy, basically just load the DAV modules and enable DAV in the appropriate directory (with authentication of course). I can access it with a command-line tool called cadaver, which provides FTP-like access to the WebDAV space. So it looks like everything is good to go on the server side.

I don’t have my Mac with me today, so I’ll try uploading a calendar tonight after I get home.