River bank repair

With bad weather threatening for tomorrow, I decided to do a longer ride this morning.  I rode out to New Cut Rd, then River Rd, then through the park.  Today, part of River Rd was down to one lane for construction work.  It looks like they’re doing some sort of restoration/shoring up of the river bank along the road, to try to alleviate future flooding.  Hopefully it’ll help.

Assuming the weather forecast holds up, I’ll either be not riding tomorrow, or taking the shortest ride in possible.  I packed rain gear along today, just in case the weather sours earlier than forecasted (not that that ever happens around here in winter).

Never a dull day..

You never know what kind of weather you’re going to get in winter, and this morning was a perfect example.  We got a “surprise” light frosting of snow/sleet/rain overnight.  No mention of it whatsoever in yesterday’s forecast.  By the time I had to leave, the system had moved out, but the roads were still wet, so I switched to the fixed-gear bike (with fenders) for today’s ride.

I rode through the park today, and River Rd was almost completely coated with a light, slightly crunchy glaze.  No traction problems though.  There were bike tire tracks on the Grist Mill Trail, but none on River Rd until I came through.

The second half of my ride was through Oella and Catonsville.  I exited the park at Ilchester Rd and took River Rd to Frederick Rd.  This was the first time I had ridden River Rd for a while, and there were obvious signs of past flooding (lots of mud on the sides), but no problems getting through on the bike.  In Catonsville, instead of taking Edmondson to Melvin Ave as I’ve always done in the past, I turned right on Smithwood, then left on Summit, then right on Beaumont.  This brought me to Frederick Rd at a stop sign instead of a light, and I didn’t have to wait as long to make my left onto Frederick.  The pavement on Summit and Beaumont is in bad shape in spots, but all in all I think this is a better route.


I dusted off the road bike for the start of the work week.  I hadn’t ridden it in two weeks.  Yesterday I tightened up my rear derailleur cable.  It took a full turn and a half of the barrel adjuster to get it to shift onto larger cogs without hesitating.  Anyhow, it paid off – no “surprise” shifts this morning.

I still get an annoying squeak when I shift sometimes.  It’s kind of like a bird chirping.  It typically doesn’t happen until about 15-20 minutes into a ride, then it pretty much squeaks the rest of the way every time I shift.  No amount of lubing the derailleur, cable, or chain seems to make it go away.  Research on the ‘net has revealed that it might be coming from the derailleur pulley(s).  Oiling them doesn’t seem to help, so I’m wondering if after 6000+ miles, they might just be wearing out.  A new set is under $10, so I may try replacing them and see if that helps.

Biked through Catonsville again this morning.  Typically, when I have to make a left onto Frederick Rd heading east, I’ve turned at the Melvin Ave light.  But lately that light has not been turning green for me.  It’s kind of hard to follow the rules of the road when the traffic lights will only turn green for cars.  There’s a ped signal there, but to use it I have to cross over to the wrong side of the road to get to the crosswalk.  Catonsville purports to be bike friendly, but it’s unclear to me whether I’m supposed to act like a vehicle or a pedestrian in these cases.  To avoid the issue, I think I’m just going to avoid the light and make the left turn at a street with a stop sign.  When I initially planned this route, I expected Frederick Rd to be bumper-to-bumper at this time of morning, but it’s really not that bad that I can’t make a left onto it at a stop sign (providing I can see OK in both directions, of course).


Stomach bug kept me off the bike (and home from work) on Friday.  I started coming down with it on Thursday afternoon, but was able to ride home, although it was a bit of a struggle coming up Lawyers Hill.  It was an unseasonably warm 50 degrees out, so I dressed down quite a bit compared to the morning ride.

Due to a very well-timed MLK holiday tomorrow, I have an extra day to recuperate and fully expect to be back on the bike Tuesday.  Based on the 5-day, looks like I might need the rain gear next week.

Morning Ride Notes

Took a 15 mile ride in today, and the roads/trails have improved enough that I was able to stay clipped in for the entire ride.  That doesn’t happen very often in January.  Weather conditions were almost identical to yesterday morning, except with a bit more of a breeze.  I switched back to clipless pedals with two layers of socks, and my feet still got a little cold, but I think the extra layer of socks kept them warm a little longer.  On the top I wore a long sleeve “Under Armour” shirt, PolarTec top and windbreaker.  This was still just a touch on the warm side.  I think I need something slightly lighter than the PolarTec to wear when it’s in the 20s, I’m just not sure what yet.  It might be as simple as just taking off the windbreaker.  The combination of windbreaker and PolarTec top seems better suited for temperatures in the ‘teens and lower.

More on toe clips

I switched footwear for the ride home today.  Instead of hiking boots, I wore an old pair of suede high-top lined shoes that I had lying around the office.  They fit in the toe clips a lot better than the boots, so the ride home was more comfortable.  They’re not weatherproof, so I wouldn’t want to wear them in deep snow or really wet conditions, but they worked fine in a pinch.

I forgot what a PITA it is to get into a toe clip with the bike moving.  It’s even harder on a fixed-gear with the pedals moving.  I’ll never complain about my Look pedals again.  They’re an absolute dream in comparison.  I’m hoping the Power Grips will be easier to use in this department.  I’ll report back when I get around to picking up a pair.

For the long term, I may want to consider getting some cycling specific boots too.  Shoelaces and bike chains are not always the best combination.

I may switch back to the clipless pedals for tomorrow’s ride..  other than River Rd, there’s not much snow left in the park, and it’s supposed to warm up into the 40s, which will melt more of it.

Toe clip verdict

Part of the fun of winter biking is experimenting with various combinations of clothing and equipment, to find out what works and what doesn’t.  No two rides are the same in winter.  Riding in the summer is boring by comparison.

Today’s experiment was riding the fixie with toe clips and hiking boots.  This was a mixed bag.  On the plus side, it was great having the boots to walk through the snowier sections in the park.  With boots, I’m more inclined to take the bike into the park in snowy weather, because I know that if I have to, I’ll be able to walk longer distances in the boots than if I were wearing cleats.  I also felt more confident riding through snowy and icy sections, even with 700x23c road tires.

The downside to this setup is that the boots don’t fit into the toe clips very well.  Even with the straps set at their loosest setting, I felt like I was pedaling on tiptoes, and I had the tendency to want to jam my toes as far forward as possible, which needless to say, was uncomfortable.  The straps kept my feet on the pedals at high cadences, but they didn’t hold the boots in very well on the upstroke, so I wasn’t able to pedal very efficiently.

So the verdict here is that I like riding with the boots, but I need a different pedal retention system.  I may try out a set of Power Grips straps.

ObClothingNotes:  NWS said it was 24 when I left and 30 when I arrived.  I wore 2 layers of socks under the boots.  Feet stayed warm.  Top: short sleeve, arm warmers, PolarTec, windbreaker.  This was a bit on the warm side.

ObRoadNotes: In the park, the Grist Mill Trail was clear except for a few icy spots.  River Rd was mostly snow covered, but rideable with caution.  Outside the park, roads were completely clear but salty.

Joys of Winter

No ride today due to an illness in the family.  This is our second go-round with the stomach bug this season.  The stomach bug is one of the occupational hazards of parenthood.  If you’re single and childless, you might catch a stomach bug once every 3 or 4 years.  With kids, the frequency shoots up to once or twice a season.  The bugs are so ultra-virulent that once someone in the house has it, it’s not a matter of whether you’ll get it, but more a matter of how it will affect you once you catch it.  When a kid catches it, you just cross your fingers and hope it doesn’t hit you that bad.  Spray Lysol on stuff and use hand sanitizer if you want a placebo effect…  but it won’t help.  🙂

If I’m not violently ill tomorrow, I’ll be back on the bike.  I swapped out the clipless pedals on the fixie last night, and I’m going to try a ride with toe clips and hiking boots.

Today’s ride home

The ride home today was around 10 degrees warmer than the morning ride.  I shed the extra layer of socks, PolarTec top, and head band.  It was a fairly comfortable ride.  I rode into the park to check the road conditions, with the expectation that I would have to hike the River Rd access road.  The roadways inside the park were more-or-less clear, but down to one lane in spots.  The access road had about an inch of snow covering it.  I was able to bike a good bit of it, thanks to the fixed-gear, which gives me a lot better sense of control on slick surfaces.  I did have to hike the uphill section.  Not surprisingly, the Look cleats don’t work too well when packed with snow.  I could get them to clip in, but I had to tap some snow out of them before they would stay clipped in.  Not great, but better than my old Wellgo cleats, which I had to clean out with a screwdriver before they would even engage the pedals.

For tomorrow, I switched the Looks out for some toe-clip pedals, and I’m going to see how it goes riding these with my hiking boots.  At least I know the snowy sections will go better.  Next year, I hope to have a cross bike that I can ride in the snow.

Salt Mines are Back

19° for my ride this morning.  I rode down Lawyers Hill with the intent of riding into the park, but found (not unexpectedly) that the River Rd access road was still snow covered.  Not possessing snow tires, and not feeling like hiking it in road cleats, I turned around and detoured onto U.S. 1 to get to South St.  While never my first choice, it’s only about a quarter-mile stretch and there is a decent shoulder the entire way, so it’s not all that bad.  It does make for a very short ride – only 7.5 miles.  I think my best option is to switch one of my bikes over to toe clips while the park access road is snow covered, so I can hike it.

I totally overbundled for this ride.  I had 4 layers on top: short sleeve with arm warmers, long sleeve jersey, PolarTec pullover and windbreaker.  Next time it’s like this I will try it without the long sleeve jersey.  I tried something new this time, and wore two layers of socks.  I’ve avoided mulitple layers in the past because I don’t want to make the shoes too tight, which would restrict circulation and make my feet even colder.  To avoid that, I kept my toe straps really loose, and my feet stayed warm.  The real test will be to try this on a longer ride.

Unfortunately, last week’s blissfully salt-free roads are a thing of the past.  The salt is back with a vengaence and will probably be with us for the rest of the winter.  Fortunately, the fenders keep most of it off the bike.  I guess I can hope for a warm-up with some more rain to wash all of it away again..